Off Grid Lot Near Joshua Tree Forest
Easy Access
A couple of trtaveled dirt roads lead to this subdivision from Diamond Bar Road. County Road 7/ East Diamond Bar Road leads from the Grand Canyon Skywalk to the East and comes from Meadview in the West. Beyond the road there is legal access to the property.

BLM Public Land a Pleanty
This properties subdividvision is complete surrounded by public lands. The yellow in the picture shows BLM land you will be surrounded by that undeveloped beauty for a lifetime.

Explore the Area
NW GPS: 35.873673, -114.025056
NE GPS: 35.873674, -114.023944
SW GPS: 35.873221, -114.025055
SE GPS: 35.873222, -114.023944
Places Close by
- Meadview
- Grand Canyon West
- Grand Canyon Skywalk
- Colorado River
- Eagle Point
- Old West Stables
- Supplies and more in Meadview

Property Details:
Property Address: LAKE MEAD CITY UNIT NO 29-29-16 LOT 271
Parcel ID: 318-09-271
Size: 1.25 Acres
Terrain: Rolling
Water: Would be well or holding tank
Sewer: Would be Septic
Electric: Solar or Generator
Access: Legal
Conveyance: Warranty Deed
HOA Fees: None
Taxes: $20.24
Cash Price: $2900 With $249 Document Processing
Terms: $1 Down with $249 Document Processing then $89/Month for 48 Months

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